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Residential Carpet & Upholstered Furniture Restoration

Odor & Smoke Removal for Everything in Your Home

If your home was damaged from smoke or a fire, your carpets and upholstered furniture can be some of the toughest parts of your home to clean. To restore them to their pre-damaged state, you need the expertise of professionals who are fully equipped to deal with these situations. ServiceMaster Restore® is ready to help you get back to normal. We are a residential restoration company that specializes in cleaning and restoring carpeting and upholstered furniture damaged by fire or smoke.

We’ll begin by evaluating the situation in order to determine the best approach to take. Using advanced tools and proven processes, we will restore them to their previous condition. We’ll be sure to communicate with you throughout every step of the process and take all the necessary precautions to make sure we handle your home and property with the utmost care.

Not All Smoke Damage to Carpet & Upholstered Furniture Is the Same

There are two types of smoke damage: invisible odor and visible soot. Any items that have sustained these damages need to be handled correctly to avoid further damage, including household textiles. Deodorizing sprays don’t eliminate the smoke and soot odor – they only temporarily cover it up. The team at ServiceMaster Restore uses specialized products and unique processes that are designed to thoroughly remove smoke and soot from your carpets and upholstered items, as well as the accompanying odors.

Our Detailed Process

Your carpet and upholstered furniture restoration process will vary depending on the type of fire your home has sustained. When we first visit your home, we will identify the source of your fire and its cause, and then we’ll evaluate the areas that were affected by the firefighting process.

Our thorough restoration process also includes:

  • Remediating water damage, if necessary
  • Evaluating your carpets and upholstered items
  • Removing anything that can’t be repaired or restored
  • Treating the affected surfaces for smoke odors
  • Cleaning and deodorizing damaged items

This process varies depending on the extent of the damage and the types of items that need to be repaired or restored. We’ll always consult with you before beginning any services to make sure you fully understand our process and what to expect from our services. Trust the restoration team backed by over 65 years of experience.

Give us a call today at 1-800-RESPOND to learn more about our fire and smoke restoration services.
Restoring Peace of Mind

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