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West Plains Odor Removal Service

Improve Your Home's Air Quality with Our Professional Odor Control

ServiceMaster of West Plains is here for every part of your damage restoration process, including odor removal. Whether your property has experienced damage from fire and smoke or extensive water damage, mold, and mildew, it’s essential to have professional deodorization services performed to ensure a long-lasting and quality result.

What Causes Bad Odors in Your Home?

While a build-up of pet dander, expired food in the fridge, or a filled trash can will cause your home to smell not so great, these are things that can be easily fixed. If these cleaning tasks are completed, and an odor still remains, it’s likely due to something a bit more serious.

Fire & Smoke

Fire, smoke, and soot can cause odors that linger in the home, much like those that cling to your clothes after a campfire. Not only can these odors and particles make it nearly unbearable to be in your own home, breathing them in are not good for your lungs.

While a residential fire can cause fire and smoke damage, odor damage can also be caused by nearby wildfires.

Water, Mold, & Sewage

Your plumbing system isn’t always as reliable as you may think. Even the tiniest leak in a joint can cause water damage. While a few drops here and there may not seem like the biggest problem, any amount of water can cause mold or mildew to grow. Within as little as 48 hours, the mold can begin to grow and cause health problems for everyone coming and going from your property.

If the leak occurs in a sewage pipe, or sewage is backed-up in into your home and damage occurs, have a professional take care of the clean-up and odor removal services too. This type of exposure causes serious health concerns – and an awful smell.

How Is Odor Removed from the Home?

At ServiceMaster of West Plains, our team utilized proven methods and advanced equipment to ensure the odor is completely removed from your home. Depending on the cause and severity of the odor, your West Plains restoration expert will determine the best tool for the job and provide a series of options.

Our deodorization process follows a few simple steps:

  • Identify the Odor – Using indoor air quality tests and our decades of experience, we’ll meet you at your property to inspect the damage and identify the cause.
  • Provide Options – Depending on the specifics of the type and level of odor, our team will provide you with all your options, including material restoration and the most efficient deodorization processes.
  • Proper Cleaning – Using the best process, our team will remove the affected materials from the property, save what we can, and remove the odor entirely from the property. If follow-up sessions are needed, our team will work with you to get these scheduled.
  • Final Inspection – We’ll meet with you to complete a final walk-through and inspection of your property. We’ll be able to answer any last-minute questions and requests to make sure you’re happy with our service.

Whatever the cause, don’t delay in calling our West Plains professionals. We have the experience needed and are fully qualified to complete the necessary odor removal services for your home or business.

Need nearby odor removal services? Dial (417) 275-6993 to get connected to a member of our team! 

You Have Questions & We Have Answers

  • What types of odors can ServiceMaster Restore address?

    ServiceMaster Restore can address a wide range of odors, including smoke and fire odors, mold and mildew odors, pet odors, sewage odors, and more.
  • Do I need odor damage restoration if I can't pinpoint the source of the odor?

    It's not always necessary to pinpoint the exact source of the odor. ServiceMaster Restore technicians are trained to use specialized equipment and techniques to identify and eliminate odors effectively.
  • Is the odor removal process safe for my family and pets?

    ServiceMaster Restore uses industry-standard and environmentally friendly products and methods that are safe for your family and pets.
  • Do I need to vacate my home during odor removal?

    In most cases, you can remain in your home during the odor removal process. ServiceMaster Restore takes measures to minimize disruptions.
  • Do I need to remove or replace my belongings affected by odors?

    ServiceMaster Restore can often clean and treat affected belongings to eliminate odors. We will assess the situation and provide recommendations based on the severity of the odor damage.