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Comprehensive Mold Remediation Services in Columbus

What Are the Signs of Mold In the House?

Easily one of the worst contaminants you can have in the home, mold brings a world of destruction when it begins growing. Worse, under the right conditions, mold can start to grow within 48 hours. If left untreated, it will continue to grow until it’s an infestation that puts the structure of your home at risk and impedes your family’s quality of life.

While it can be difficult to spot, there are warning signs that indicate a potential mold problem, such as:

  • A Lingering Musty Smell – Do you notice a rotten odor that’s like old, damp books coming from your floors or walls? It could likely be from a hidden colony, and what you’re smelling is chemicals that mold releases during its lifecycle.
  • Your Clothing Feels Different – If there are white or black spots on your clothing that don’t feel like the right texture, there may be a larger mold problem within the home causing a spread of growth.
  • Mysterious Stains or Smells on Carpeting – Whether it’s your carpets, padding, or rugs, be on the lookout for spots. These can be perfect spots for mold growth when damp, so it’s a good idea to inspect your flooring regularly and consider professional cleaning every so often.
  • A Recent Water Leak – It could be within your plumbing system or an appliance malfunction (like a water heater leak) that happened recently. Since these often occur in areas that are challenging to see or reach, they create a good environment for mold growth.

Of course, this list is by no means exhaustive - there are physical symptoms that you might notice as well, like allergies or persistent fatigue. These recent reviews help speak to what it’s like working with our team.

Call(402) 532-1264 for 24-hour mold removal and emergency mold services! Or feel free toschedule service online.

Professional Mold Removal Process in Columbus

Before any work begins, we will conduct a thorough inspection of the situation to assess the severity and present you with honest pricing. You should be making the most informed decisions for your home, after all.

Though every situation requires a customized plan for removal and cleaning, we come fully prepared with professional-grade equipment and proven practices. Once we're done, you can rest assured your air quality is healthy and your home is free from any mold. And we back that promise with complete satisfaction guarantees.

24/7 Emergency Mold Remediation Services in Columbus

Considering the health risks and property hazards created by mold, it's best not to put off water damage and mold repair. The issue won't go away on its own; on the contrary, it will likely get worse and cause more damage. The sooner you act, the better it will be for your health, your home, and your wallet!

At ServiceMaster Cleaning & Restoration Services, our licensed and insured mold remediation specialists are here to help you take back your home and live safely with inspection and removal services. With support from a nationally recognized brand, we are local to the Columbus area to quickly assist homeowners.

Attic Mold Removal: Protecting Your Columbus Home

Mold in the attic can be a serious problem because it can cause significant damage to the structure of your home and create health concerns for those living in it. Mold thrives in warm, moist environments, so locations such as attics where leaks are often present are especially susceptible.

To get rid of mold in your attic, you must first remove any wet, damp, or moldy materials. This can include items such as insulation, cardboard boxes, and carpeting. If there are any leaks coming into the attic from your roof or walls, these should be repaired before attempting to clean up the mold. Once you have removed any contaminated material, it is important to thoroughly clean the attic by scrubbing all surfaces with a mild detergent, bleach solution, or specific anti-fungal cleaner.

You may also need to use a dehumidifier to dry out any residual moisture in the air. After cleaning and drying the attic, you should make sure that it is well-ventilated so that mold can’t regrow. Properly sealing and insulating your attic and making sure all vents are open can help to prevent mold from growing again in the future. Taking these steps will ensure that your attic is free of mold, protecting your home and the health of those living there. If you want to ensure that mold is properly and completely removed, it’s recommended that you hire a professional mold remediation company like ServiceMaster Cleaning & Restoration Services in Columbus.

Choose ServiceMaster for Expert Mold Mitigation in Columbus

Mold removal is ServiceMaster's specialty. In the mold remediation sector, we have over 60 years of experience providing quality service and products. Depending on the nature of your mold removal project, we can provide you with a variety of specialized solutions. This includes both interior and exterior treatments to reduce or eliminate existing colonies and prevent future growth. To capture dust mites, pollen spores, and pet dander, our technicians utilize advanced equipment such as air scrubbers with HEPA filters. Combined with powerful disinfectants formulated specifically for killing water damage-related bacteria, we're unstoppable! Not only will this help rid your property of current infestations, but it will also prevent them from returning in the future!

You can rest assured knowing you're getting top-notch results at competitive prices every time you work with us -from initial consultation to completion. We're dedicated to excellence in customer service throughout every step of the process

Contact Us for Professional Mold Inspection and Removal in Columbus – Call(402) 532-1264 Now!

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